Monday, May 25, 2015

Small Business Planning - What You Ought To Know

A seasoned small retail business owner once commented that it was getting more difficult to make money from his business these days….to which I partially disagreed. The reason ? It depends if your business is an Online or “Brick and Mortar” start up. I can offer a few reasons to justify my statement before you commence your own planning process to venture into a business:-
Lack Of Experience

In a traditional business, prospective entrepreneurs should have adequate knowledge or ability to visualize, co-ordinate and integrate the various operations of the business entity into a synergistic whole. While on the other hand, running a small business online only requires such a skill to the minimum, as most of the back end work can be out-sourced (e.g. auto- responders which takes care of your after sales services). Even, creating the website, you can have it done for free!
Inability To Lead A Team
With a “Brick and Mortar” business, entrepreneurs are required to lead, manage and measure results. This requires the ability to motivate and counsel people in the organization to achieve greater performance levels. However, there are many webmasters I know , who are such reclusive people, that they rather operate on a one man show basis and as such eliminating the hassle of having to be diplomatic with colleagues, but still able to make money through their business, maintaining just the dear old website.
Painful Overheads
Last but definitely not the least advantage of a"> Small Online Business will have to be the elimination of office rentals and staff wages, both of which, can be reduced to the bare minimum and in certain situation, able to give the client the impression that he is dealing with a large organization with fantastic after-sales service….when in fact, all that is handling the back end work is just the website owner and some pre-set auto responders!
To encourage all entrepreneur wannabes, who simply are still not sure after the statement from that seasoned businessman, “that is more difficult to make money from business these days”, I only have one thing to say…
“More good things are lost by indecision than by wrong decision.”
Jay Tee,an entrepreneur for 5 years, he has a website Money Infinite Secrets [], dedicated to compiling his and many other's experiences and opinions about starting businesses, see what are the popular online wealth building programs that internet users are having at his site.
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